Jan 142014

Spotlight Splash (primary)

From the desk of Law:

“Hello Elite, it is time once again for the CCE Domestic Spotlight. This week we are taking a look at arguably the most successful Hasbro mail away figures, the Steel Brigade. These figures are very near and dear to many a collectors hart. They bring you back to you child hood for many different reasons but mostly because it was the first gi joe action figure to let you determine the back ground and all demographics of your joe so with out further delay lets take a look at the steel brigade.

Steel brigade was available through mail away beginning in 1987. There where actually six different steel brigade versions although many people only believe there were five.

Steel brigade was actually created from repainted Hasbro ARAH parts that were used on different figures though out the years. Steel brigade versions were A, B, C, D, E, and F.

Hasbro marketed steel brigade as a personalized figure. The figure came with a personalized BIO certificate which was filled out prior to children sending away for figure @ hasbro direct. The only original part was the head mold. All versions of steel brigades came with the same arms which were a repaint of Flashes arms.

The defining characteristics for each figure versions were just a mix and match of legs and torsos. For example: version A consisted of Airborne’s chest and Scrap irons legs while version B used Dukes chest while again reusing Scrap irons legs. Version A being the second rarest of the steel brigades only being surpassed by version F Aka Gold head. There is a debate about version E as it is easily kit bashed using version B and version D. The only recognized versions of E by most true collectors are the sealed Baggie versions.

The most difficult version to find is the Gold head. They began shipping them sometime in 1992 and abruptly stopped in 1993. This version was not widely ordered and is most likely the cause of its rarity, most reports say this version was only available for about a 6 month span. The gold head version also came with a different colored patch when compared to the other versions patches. Gold heads patch came with a purple center triangle not the light blue of the others also different was the art of the bio certificate. The art for the gold head represented the colors of the gold head figure this was the first art change for the bio certificates.
This has always been my favorite mail away and I own all versions except for B and C. They make an awesome army builder although you may have to take out a second mortgage to army build these badaases to a big size.

Thanks for tuning in to this weeks domestic spotlight

LAW out.”

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