Mar 212014

frontpage spotlight

From the desk of Dark Perceptor:

“Here we go, with the second half of March’s Featured Customizer… another genius o-ring customizer (here at the Syndicate, we like to hoard them): Tim 121 RVC!

First name: Read Inside…

Age: Read Inside…

Where you live: Read Inside…

1) What made you want to start customizing?

One of the first times I was on the net I started to search for G.I.Joe, because that was the only way to complete my ARAH collection. Somehow a came across Joecustoms and I was in shock. I never took a figure apart before, and these guys did do that AND they painted them. Crazy, but very intriguing as well because it widened my G.I.Joe horizon. Started with LBC-ing at first, but it didn’t take long before I got my hands on some paint and a few brushes.

2) Which custom of yours is your pride and joy?

Every custom has a little feature/story/new technique that I like, so I find it hard to pick just one. That would feel like I’m failing all the other ones and all the work I put into them. But to name a few:
Il Nero for the suitcase, Range Viper for the camo scheme, He-man for childhood memories, Shaka Zulu for the use of Max’s head, Gikan for the custom naginata, Rattle B.A.T. because LBC’s are easy and fun, Rudarius because I’m interested in history.”


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